When house cleaning we need not forget the outdoor spaces of our homes. This time of year we tend to spend more time outdoors than in.
House Cleaning Blog
When house cleaning we need not forget the outdoor spaces of our homes. This time of year we tend to spend more time outdoors than in.
Having fun while you clean can be a tough job, but not an impossible one. Most of us hate to clean or at the very least dread the weekend when most of the cleaning happens. What if you could have fun while your cleaning to help make it more tolerable. Try these ideas out next time you are cleaning your home.
The kitchen is becoming the most popular room in most peoples houses these days. With all the time spent in this room it's important to keep it clean. I have listed some of the dirtiest areas to be aware of when cleaning.
Keeping your house clean at all times can be a chore if you wait until the weekend each week to do your house cleaning. In order to keep your house cleaned without killing yourself each weekend you need to clean smarter not harder. I have listed below ways you can expedite and control the amount of time spent cleaning.
Everyone has to clean their house at sometime, some more than others. Wouldn't it be nice to know a few tips and tricks that could possibly make cleaning faster and easier. I have a few tips and tricks below that just may help. Feel free to add your own.
With the summer heating up and your electric bills getting higher because your air conditioner is working harder than usual I have made a list of a few things that can keep your house cool and bills lower.