With more and more people becoming eco-friendly or "green" it's even more important to teach our kids the importance of being earth friendly, as this is the only planet we have. The main points of being green are reduce, reuse, recycle, and enjoy the earth. Reducing the amount wasted resources like turning off lights, turning off water while brushing can be huge deals if done on a global scale. Reusing items like rechargable batteries or bringing your own bags to grocery store. In stead of throwing away pizza boxes or milk jugs simply putting them in a recycle bin. And finally enjoying what mother nature has given us. Take the family on hike or go camping (remember to leave the camp site how you found it or better). We can't do everything by ourselves, but together we can sure make a difference. Click here to access an article from Kids Health on how to be a green kid, with quizzes and sections for parents as well. Do your part.