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Why You've Got Maids?

Now in our second decade of franchising, You've Got Maids is a favorable combination of experience and possibility. Investors will appreciate our systems for success and the possibility to grow as big as your dreams.

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Hear from the franchisees themselves about their experiences starting and operating their You've Got Maids franchises. At You've Got Maids, we're a family of entrepreneurs committed to growing America's Finest Maid Service.    

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House cleaning isn't exactly a newfound idea. There have been maids as long as there have been houses and there always will be. That being said, professional franchise house cleaning services are bringing this age-old service into the modern era. 

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You've Got Maids turns bathrooms into goldmines without nickeling and diming its franchisees. Learn more about our competitive fee structure that puts franchisor and franchisee on the same side of the table.

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In most major markets, prime territories are still open for development. Get the territory that you want now, with the possibility of expanding in the future. 

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You've Got Maids Leads the Way

A franchise built by former franchisees with the intention of empowering America's entrepreneurs.

Nationwide, You’ve Got Maids is helping entrepreneurs just like you live the American Dream of business ownership. When you own your own business, you own your future. Our proven System for Success is based upon years of franchise excellence.

The Ideal Concept

You’ve Got Maids has consistently been distinguished by Entrepreneur magazine and Franchise Business Review as a leader in the residential cleaning industry, a top low-cost franchise, a top franchise opportunity, and a top franchise for franchisee satisfaction. Many variables contribute to success, but an important part of that is aligning with the culture. These characteristics are at the core of our brand.

The Ideal Owner

♦ Wants to follow a proven system ♦ Prepared to build a positive culture 
♦ Sees the potential in the home cleaning industry ♦ Understands the value of working with a plan
♦ Comfortable with modern marketing ♦ Connects with people, and enjoys helping them