You've Got Maids House Cleaning Blog

Cleaning and Maintaining a Clean Bathroom

Written by Mitch | 11 April 2017

Having and maintaining a clean bathroom is essential in each and every household. Cleaning your bathroom is not just for looks it's also a health factor. There is bacteria and potential for mold in all bathrooms. Preventing and cleaning the bathroom is that much more important because of this. Below is a list of ways you can maintain that beautiful and clean area of your home.

  1. Sinks - wipe these down after each use to prevent them from getting dirty in the first place.
  2. Tub/shower - wipe down after use to prevent soap scum and mold.
  3. Mirror - to look your best clean mirror weekly for a clean and clear reflection.
  4. Toilet - give a good clean weekly. (Get under the lip of the bowls and around the base)
  5. Floor - sweep and mop weekly or as needed.