You've Got Maids House Cleaning Blog

Appearance of a clean home in a pinch

Written by Mitch | 09 July 2014

Have you ever had those guests that call at the last minute and say they are on their way to your house right now, or have you been a work and invited co-workers or friends over at the last minute only to realize that your home isn't guest ready. Well I have a few tips or tricks that can fool your guests into to thinking your home is cleaner than it really is.

  1. Flip your couch cushions over, when guests leave flip them back so you are reserving one side just for when guests come.
  2. Have a second set of throw pillows for when guests come over so they look fresher.
  3. If windows are dirty then close drapes.
  4. Take magnets, notes, and other papers off the refridgerator.
  5. Use clean hand towels in the kitchen, or if stained fold the stain inward
  6. Light candles in the bathroom as candle light makes everything look good.
  7. Fluff up towels in bathroom or hang clean ones

If you have advance notice of guests coming or just want a cleaner home, call You've Got Maids, Scottsdale's finest maid service at 480-969-6243 for your free house cleaning estimate.