You've Got Maids House Cleaning Blog

The dirtiest items in your kitchen

Written by Mitch | 01 October 2014

The kitchen is becoming the most popular room in most peoples houses these days. With all the time spent in this room it's important to keep it clean. I have listed some of the dirtiest areas to be aware of when cleaning.

  • Kitchen Sink - You may think the sink is clean after you've done dishes with all the soap being used, but your sink needs to be disinfected in order to eliminate harmful bacteria from growing.
  • Sponge/scrub brush - these can be breeding grounds for germs, either replace regularly or run through dishwasher at high temp to help eliminate.
  • Garbage can - this should be a no brainer, but make sure and take trash out regularly
  • Counter tops - wipe down after every use to prevent bacteria from growing.
  • Reusable grocery bags - just get rid of these as meat juices can leak in these and breed all kinds of disgusting things.
  • Hands - your hands touch everything so keep them clean

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