You've Got Maids House Cleaning Blog

Team Work Makes Clean Work!

Written by Chris and Ryan Belgrave | 03 November 2014

Involving kids in the clean-up develops great habits and builds structure. Isn't that the ultimate goal? Busy moms and dads have a bazillion thing to do. Although Halloween has come and gone, many of us still were our invisible superman and wonderwoman costumes. Performing countless duties in a day, more than some people do all week! With work, home life (kids sports activities, your personal do list, keeping your family’s well-oiled machine running). At time it can all seem a bit hectic and overwhelming all that we have to do.

Set goals, time lines and expectations. When they help mom and dad cleaning up they feel a part of the family. They too feel the responsibility to keep the home clean and tidy. These easy to follow steps will indeed help your family get involved in house cleaning.

1. Use bright colors for toy bins, this encourage kids use them. Make it a game!
2. Encourage them to putting away clothing, toys and books before moving on to the next activity.
3. Up their spirits, make it fun! Play music, sing along, and be silly!
4. Make it a game, countdown, and set a timer or even have a contest.
5. Before purchasing new item, include them in making the decision making process on what item they would want to keep, donate or trash.

Studies have shown kids flourish living in an organized and structured environment. Instituting habits create stability and help develop skills that will be there when you aren't. 

Get a free estimate today. For help maintaining a clean and well organized home contact You’ve Got Maids of Virginia Beach professional maid service.  Call (757) 932-5326 for your free estimate today.