You've Got Maids House Cleaning Blog

Organizing your child's bedroom

Written by Mitch | 24 July 2014

If your child is anything like mine, then their bedroom sometimes looks like a tornado went through it. I have tried in vain for my daughter to keep her room clean on numerous occasions. It's not like I expect a child's room to be perfect, I would just like to walk in there and not have to watch where I step in fear of breaking something.

After shopping around, I decided on shelving that has pull out cloth bins. Each shelf holds six bins and these shelves can also have additional items stacked on top. I sat down with my daughter and we labeled each bin fo different types of toys, art supplies, and odds and ends. Now each day when she is playing with a toy she has to put it back in its proper place. While her room is still not perfect I can at least walk through freely. Teaching her a little responsibility with her toys has also made her happier as she can now locate things a lot easier.

If your family needs some help with house cleaning you should call the professionals at You've Got Maids, St. Charles's finest maid service today at 636-866-0273 for your free estimate.