You've Got Maids House Cleaning Blog

Least Favorite Things to Clean in Your House

Written by Mitch | 22 October 2015

If you want your house to look clean and be a healthy place to live, you need to clean on a regular basis to achieve this. However, this does not mean you need to love any part of the cleaning process. Just for fun I have compiled a list of my least favorite things to clean in the house. Agree or disagree this is my list, so feel free to add to it or agree.

  1. Toilets - To me this is the worst job in the home.
  2. Dishes - Never ending, even with a dishwasher.
  3. Laundry - Sometimes I just don't want to do one more load.
  4. Baseboards - Worlds worst invention as this is a back breaking job.
  5. Microwave - Explosion of food particles.

If your just not in mood to house clean anymore, call 360-491-1558 and You've Got MAIDS of Olympia will take over. Call today for your free house cleaning estimate.