You've Got Maids House Cleaning Blog

Keeping Your Curtains Clean in Rhode Island

Written by Carla | 04 August 2015


Curtains bring meaning and character into a person's home. It's a way of having rooms come together in a stylish way. Keeping them dust free is something most of us tend to forget about. Here are 3 easy ways to keep up with the dust that can accumulate so quickly on your curtains

1. Use an ostrich feather duster to dust from top to bottom. Starting at the top and working your way down so the dust falls.

2. Using a damp cloth you can wipe them down. Again always start from the top and work your way down.

3. Vacuuming your curtains is another simple way to clean them. Always use the brush attachment when vacuuming.


You've Got Maids of Cumberland has a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Our maids are bonded, insured, and go through a detailed training. We can help get your house and those curtains dust free! Call us today at 401-305-3682