You've Got Maids House Cleaning Blog

How to Color Set your Clothes with Vinegar and Epsom Salt

Written by Kelly | 07 November 2014

Colors Fading? Feeling Wasteful? A 2-for-1 Solution:

Is it possible to "color set" individual items of clothing?

A typical question we receive from America’s laundry room deals with “color setting” your clothes before washing. Is it possible to wash colored clothes with your whites and not experience fading and color bleeding?

In short, the answer is yes. 

The Question:

“It seems like every time I go to do the laundry I run into the same problem. I always have a random red or black garment that needs to be washed. I end up having to wash them alone so they don't fade onto anything else. This is not only annoying, it's wasteful.”

- Actual Question from You’ve Got Maids customer

The Answer:

Fear not - there is a solution, and it only takes two ingredients: vinegar and epsom salt! Utilizing a separated solution made from these ingredients, it’s easy to color set your clothes and then wash them with your others.

How to Wash a Colored Garment with the Whites:

What you'll need:
  1. 1-2 quarts of water
  2. 1/2 Cup white vinegar
  3. 1 tbsp Epsom salts
What to do:
  1. Mix the ingredients together until the salt is dissolved.

  2. Place garment in the solution and let it soak.

  3. Squeeze the wet garment and then wash as normal.

That's it! With this simple step added into your default clothes washing process, you can save on wasted time and resources! 


For More Cleaning Tips Read On:

Tips For Cleaning Clothes

Remove Grease From Clothes

About You've Got Maids®:

Founded by Frank and Cynthia Berger, You've Got Maids® offers residential cleaning services, including a "52-Point Spring Clean," general cleaning, move-in and move-out cleaning, hourly a la carte services and regular maintenance. Franchisees employ environmentally-friendly practices such as using reusable items, cleaning with micro-fiber cloths and HEPA back-pack vacuums. using efficient washing machines, and carpooling to clients' homes.