You've Got Maids House Cleaning Blog

Get the Kitchen Ready for Back to School

Written by Kelly | 20 August 2014

Kids heading back to school? Creating a lunch station is a great way to keep your kitchen clean.

While the kids are scrambling to get their clothes and backpacks ready and organized, you might want to look toward the kitchen. Lunch boxes and school supplies can end up cluttering your kitchen throughout the year. It's important to start the year out right and that means organization! Organizing for school can be fun. Here are a few simple tricks to get you started.

Designate a Lunch Station

This can be a set of shelves in the pantry or cabinets in an island. This is the one place that everything lunch related (other than refrigerated goods) will go. Picking a shelf in the fridge for cold snacks and juices is a great idea as well.


Make sure you have a basket for each category. You can have a basket for each child to keep their lunch boxes and items in. Having baskets for different foods can make it easier for kids to make their own lunches. Everything in the lunch station is food that they like and appropriate items for school.


This is the fun part! Add fun labels with colorful paper or chalkboard signs. Hanging small cork board squares on cabinet doors will allow for notes, schedules, or calendars.

For these and more great ideas on back to school, follow us on Pinterest


Before you organize, make sure your kitchen is sparkling clean. Call You've Got Maids of Mcallen at 956.686.2437 for a free quote today!