You've Got Maids House Cleaning Blog

Combating Allergies

Written by Mitch | 01 February 2016


When combating allergies it can be a difficul task , but not impossible. While some of us we will have allergic reactions to all sorts of things, we can alleviate some of the discomfort and it all starts with daily cleaning...

  1. Close it up- Run the AC and keep doors and windows shut. We all enjoy the Spring weather, but lets keep as much dirt, dust, and pollen outside.
  2. Porches- Keep these areas clean of pollen and have a welcome mat to wipe shoes before entering home.
  3. Clean cars- Cars collect pollen and when we touch car handles or trunk lids it transfers to our bodies.
  4. Filters- replace dirty filters more often during high pollen months.

For a complete house cleaning call 954-474-9626 and You've Got MAIDS of Weston can have your house virtually pollen and dust free. Call today for your free estimate.