You've Got Maids House Cleaning Blog

Cleaning tips for your counters from Pensacola's You've Got Maids

Written by Mitch | 07 October 2014

Counter tops are used everyday in your home either in the kitchen or bathroom and with the varying materials of these counters they need to be cleaned in different ways. Today we are talking about granite and marble counter tops.

  • Granite - these are strong and durable surfaces but need to treated correctly to maintain the luster and shine. Spills need to be cleaned up immediately before they penetrate the surface dulling the finish. Use warm water and a few drops of liquid dish detergent, wipe a dry to maintain the beautiful shine.
  • Marble - soft and porous, scratches easily and absorbs stains quickly. Marble should be treated with extreme care. When cleaning dust the surface then buff with a damp cloth. Use a commercial marble polish for a shine and never use an abrasive cleaner.

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