You've Got Maids House Cleaning Blog

Check Your Christmas Cleaning List Twice

Written by Meli Lussier | 14 December 2016

You better watch out, you better start keeping your eyes on the Christmas clock, because your guests are coming to town! The first step to help keep that pre-holiday stress to a minimum is to take a deep breath and make a Christmas cleaning plan.  Here are some key components to consider to make your holiday cleaning simple and easy: 

  • Make that cleaning list and check it twice.  If you are getting down to the holiday wire, book your professional cleaning services in advance, including carpet cleaning, window washing and maid services.  Make sure to add them on your calendar!
  • If you are the DIY cleaning type, House Logic smartens us up with this compilation of holiday tips to approach that dreaded deep clean and get you guest ready.  They serve up great reminders about paying close attention to the smallest details. 
  • Are you the hostess of the holiday party this year? Before you mix up that egg nog and rock around the Christmas tree, Better Homes & Gardens suggests implementing a 7 Day Cleaning Plan.  Give each day a cleaning theme and accomplish each task in hors d'oeuvre sized pieces.