You've Got Maids House Cleaning Blog

Boca Raton Want To Know: What Is On Your Spring Cleaning Checklist?

Written by Kelly | 27 March 2014

Spring has arrived and it is time to clean!

Cleaning is one of the easiest task to procrastinate on. All you have to do to get rid of clutter is shove in a closet. For dirt and dust, most people wait for heavy build up to run a rag over the surface.
If you tend to find the easy way out of a following through with a deep clean, you may need the help of a Boca Raton Maid Service.

Here are some areas our Boca Raton Maids think you should focus on:

1. Celing Fans. Where do you think all of the dust on the blades goes after you turn it on?
2. Baseboards. When is the last time you washed yours?
3. Fridge interiors. The longer your let spills stick to the inside the harder they are to get off.
Get your housekeeping back on track this spring and call You've Got MAIDS Boca Raton today at 561.409.4773! We will give you a free estimate on our 52-Point Spring Clean!