You've Got Maids House Cleaning Blog

3 Things to Clean in 3 Minutes or Less

Written by Joseph Berger | 17 February 2014

Have a few minutes and want to do some light cleaning? No?? We thought so. We know cleaning is the last thing you want to do with your free time. That's why you should hire You've Got Maids of Portland!

But if you do get the itch to clean while waiting for our maids to arrive, here's three commonly missed areas that you can take care of in five minutes or less:

1. Doorknobs. They are usually forgotten, but they shouldn't be; they carry lots of germs from room to room. Wipe them down every week or two with an anti-bacterial wipe.

2. The dish rack. You don't even need to scrub it--just throw it in the bottom rack of the dishwasher with everything else, and run the cycle. Let it air-dry, and you're done!

3. Your showerhead. Don't let hard water buildup and mold affect your health! Put a bag of vinegar over your shower head and let it sit overnight. Take it off in the morning, and enjoy your fresh shower.

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