You've Got Maids House Cleaning Blog

3 Secrets of Great Organizers

Written by Joseph Berger | 14 March 2014

Has your home been looking a little cluttered lately? Here's some organizing tips from our You've Got Maids of Portland house cleaning experts. Keep reading for three ways you can get ready for Spring!

1. Make putting things away easier. It's harder than it sounds! To make it easy, avoid anything with a lid if you can. Are you really going to dig into the back of your closet to put your clothes in that fancy sorting hamper? We didn't think so. Purchase an easy, open hamper you can toss clothes in from a few feet away.

2. Avoid excess storage containers. That's right, when it comes to organizing there can be too much of a good thing! If you do need the extra boxes, purchase them after you've purged your closet of unwanted items; then you will have plenty of space for the clothes you do want.

3. Decorate dumping zones. The kitchen table, your bedside night stand, your dresser...they're all potential clutter zones! Keep them looking tidy with decorative, functional items that say "no clutter here!" So you won't be tempted to let junk accumulate.

Now that your home is decluttered, treat it to our 52-Point Spring Clean. It's our most popular and through service, for good reason: it's guaranteed to make your home a healthier, happier place to be!

Click below for a free house cleaning estimate.

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