Boca Raton You've Got Maids House Cleaning Blog

Eco Friendly Cleaning Hacks

Written by Jonathan Teall | Nov 13, 2019 7:07:05 PM

How to Keep Your Home Fresh and Thoroughly Clean

At You've Got Maids, we have dedicated ourselves to only using eco-friendly cleaning products as we clean your home. Modern day homes are virtually air tight, the thoroughly insulated walls keep the interior air in, and the exterior air out. These have many benefits; but, think about what happens during the flu season! All of the harmful germs from coughing, sneezing, etc., are floating around your home. When you use intense, non-eco-friendly products to clean those germs up, they may be gone... but, think about all of the harmful ingredients that are left behind from the unnatural cleaning products.

Cleaning Your Windows

You know that vivid blue cleaning product that you always see commercials for? Forget it even exists. There's no reason to bring all of those chemicals into your house. There is a natural alternative that works even better! You just need some white vinegar and water to create a cleaner that cuts through the dirt and grime that has built up on the inside, and even the exterior of your windows. It's completely non-toxic, so you never have to worry about your children or pets accidentally ingesting it. All you will need is two cups of water, and two tablespoons of vinegar for your mixture. Combine those two together, and fill up your favorite spray bottle and then use it as normal. If you would like to liven up your living quarters a bit, add 10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil.

Tile Grout Cleaner

Find an old, sturdy toothpaste and located a small bowl as well. You will need to mix 3 parts baking soda with 1 part water, and you can make as little or as much as you need! Mix it thoroughly until it becomes a paste, and then spread it over the grout that needs to be cleaned. After a few minutes of allowing it to soak in, scrub the grout thoroughly with your toothbrush. Good to go, without any chemicals that melt off the grime!

Pots and Pans

Don't spray those harmful degreasers! Reach into your pantry for some kosher salt, and lemon juice. Spritz a little bit of lemon juice on the kosher salt and then use it as a scrub to clean your pans of any baked on grease.