Why I Picked The Maid Service Industry

Written by Frank Berger | May 13, 2011 6:00:39 AM

After a long career as a franchisee with a national pizza franchise, I came to the maid service industry. At first I viewed it with arrogance…I would never do that. After a thorough investigation, my only regret is that I had not entered the house cleaning industry fifteen years earlier. Here are a few reasons why:

#1 Family Friendly Hours. We have no nights, no weekend, & no holidays.

#2 Scalability. It is easy to envision adding recurring clients to your schedule. This is an extremely scalable business, where the biggest limitation is normally nestled between the business owners ears.

#3 Low Startup Cost. It’s hard to imagine a more economical business to start from the ground up.

#4 Trust. Franchises are trusted by homeowners far quicker than independents. This makes running our businesses easier than starting from scratch.

If you would like to discuss this call our Franchise Approval Department at 843-388-7887.